Nestled between the Town of Kitty Hawk and the Town of Duck, is the Town of Southern Shores. Prior to being incorporated as a municipally in 1979, Southern Shores was a piece of the Kitty Hawk community until it was founded as a resort in 1946. According to the Town of Southern Shores CAMA Land Use Plan Update, “The Town of Southern Shores is a quiet seaside residential community comprised primarily of small low density neighborhoods consisting of single family homes primarily on large lots (i.e., at least 20,000 sq ft) interspersed with recreational facilities (e.g., marinas, tennis facilities, athletic fields, and parks), beach accesses, walkways and open spaces. These neighborhoods are served by picturesque local roads (rather than wide through streets) along the beach, in the dunes or in the sound-side maritime forest. The scale and architecture of new development and re-development is compatible with existing homes.”